Saturday, March 30, 2019

            Having kids is one of the hardest tasks that a couple can take and some how it is also the most rewarding task that the couple can do together. Children shape us and build us into adults just as much as we shape and build them into children, and young adults. The simplest way to put parenting is to say that parenting is the process of providing, protecting and building our kids in a way that they will thrive in society that they live in. Now there are a lot of ways that children are raised these days. Some are raised in military school while others just simple do day care. There are a lot of ways that parent’s raise their kids but the best way is between a mother and father as a family.
            One of the best studies that I have looked into is one that simply states that we need to raise our kids with courage, self-esteem, responsibility, cooperation, and respect. To explain further in what I mean for each of these, because each of these words can be taken differently. Courage meaning to have the confidence to take a known risk for unknown purpose. A child needs to build up their self-esteem so that when things get hard they know their option of them self and have the confidence in their ability to succeed. Cooperation in having the ability to work with others towards a common goal that they set up. Finally respect to treat others as valuable human beings rather then objects that they have to work with.

            Another study that I like points out things that all humans need and how we can teach our kids to have these in their lives. The first thing that is needed is contact and a sense of belonging. This is simply taught be touching and being involved in things. For me when this was pointed out to me it made total sense. My son has a hard time letting my wife sleep in peace during the day. This is because I am doing homework or watching videos and not touching and playing games with him. To get the contact that he needs he then runs to my wife’s door and bangs on it. I now realize that all he wants is to be included in what I am doing and for me to play games with him. When a parent does not do this then the child latter on will act out in attention seeking manners like bothering people, acting out in public places and so forth. Kids also need to have a sense of power; if they never get this then they act out in rebellion against power figures. The best way to teach a child this principle is to have them contribute in planning and family manners so that they have a feeling that they have a little power in what is done. Something that I never really thought of was that we need to teach our kids to withdrawal. When this is really never taught in the home kids seem to be avoidance in a lot of situation and tasks through out their lives. The best way to teach this is to take breaks regularly. This can be done in chores and homework. When homework is done for 45 minutes with a 15-minute breaks grades tend to get better. Some thing that I think kids are not being taught a lot of is challenge. Challenge needs to be taught to kids so that they try to learn and push themselves through life with out thinking they will get everything they will ever want. When this is not taught correctly kids will take overdue risks and give up easily. The best way to teach challenge is to try and teach kids different skills working up so that they see that struggles lead to achievements and all things that are hard can be done in time.

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