Saturday, March 9, 2019

            Finding the best way to have a happy healthy family is hard and does not come naturally. Family is work and takes time. The best way for a family to be together is by having a man and a women married and close together, this couple is to have set up clear boundaries between them and every one else. This includes their children, and on top of that clear set boundaries between the family and everyone else. This helps the family be together and the parents can build in love and care for one another. This then leads to the family to be health without many problems arriving.
            Many problems come about commonly when a family is not set in the example I talked about last time. One of the more common family trends that are problematic is when the women is close to one of her children more then her husband and the husband is close another one of the children. Many of times there is also in this mess one child left out and not close to any of the parents. Now there might be clear cut boundaries but this doesn’t help in the family because the mom and dad are not close to one another and the children are separated this can cause a lot of problems as one can imagine.
            That is why I need to restate the importance that a family in the right way is something that needs to be worked for and needs to be something that the parents need to constantly work at. The natural thing is to form better relationships with one of the children and then that leads to poor relationships with the parents and causes rifts in parenting skills. The best thing that one can do for their children is to show by example a healthily relationship of trust and love with ones spouse; this is best done by doing activities like going on dates or family activities.
            Something that a lot of people try to avoid in a relationship is pressure and stress. Couples find this to be a bad thing, however when really looking at what this can do for a couple it is quite good. I like to talk to my parents and grandparents about their lives when they first got married they always talk about how it was hard, but they always say that it was worth it and helped them grow. They do this with a smile on their face and true love between the two of them. Having these hard times in a families life is an amazing catalos to help the family grow together and to form stronger relationships.

            The best way to help form really strong relationships with a significant other is by following this formula. An actual event happens and the response is formed by certain traits such as recourses available, response, and cognitions which leads to x happenings. For example if the event of a car crash happens in my family the result of this action will be formed by. What recourses do I have to lean on now, this could be money public transportation, parents, and credit score to try and get a loan for a new car. The responses from the wife and from the husband will also affect the situation and how the couple reacts. If the wife or husband respond positively things will be good but if the response is given or received negatively then the problem will grow in size. The final factor that results in the final story of the situation is how the person receives or does not receives the information and how they process it can change how the situation goes.

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