Saturday, February 9, 2019

            There is a some talk out there on weather or not masculinity is important for today’s society. Some say that because we no longer live in stone ages and mid evil times we have no need for this attitude anymore. G. Steinham says “we badly need to raise our boys more like our girls. The American Psychological association says that “Toxic masculinity is the source of many problems”. While I can agree sort of with the APA only because they say many problems are sourced by toxic masculinity. Which I can agree with that a lot of problems that we deal with are because of men needing to be more masculine then the others with in the others. However I feel the need to point out that many problems are also solved by masculinity and are needed to be solved by this manly trait. Such as protection and intimidation. A lot of problems are prevented by the shear fact that they can intimidate others. Protection is another part of it, we have police, national guard, army, air force and so on. These are all things that really need masculinity and help so many people in our nation. The way that I think that the APA should change their statement to “toxic masculinity is the source of many problems and protective masculinity solves many problems.
            As for what G. Steinham says I completely disagree and will end up causing more problems. We cannot raise our children the same way other wise there are certain traits that society will be missing. I have a son and at first we raised him with no expectations however his actions are very male in the fact that he likes to make messes and crash his toys rather then care for them. Males are just different then females and we should not try and raise it out of boys. What needs to be done is boys need to be raised in a way that they can control and use their masculinity in a good way. Just like how a pit-bull can be raised as a mean and vicious dog or under the right care a bit-bull can be a sweet and loving dog that would not hurt a fly. This shows me that really it is how one is raised.

            There are a lot of other reasons that there needs to be men raised as men because men bring different perspectives into the world rather then just one perspective. Men think about things more mathematically and straight forward while women think more emotionally then men do. This combined can bring in wonderful solutions that we no thought of if we only did one rather then the other. This gives family such a strong foundation because of the way that the opposite genders think. This works out really well for me and my wife because we both work on plans, solutions, and problems together and we can create a great think tank this way because we bring in out thoughts share them and come up with the best solution for our family or what ever is going on at the time. If we were both to just think mathematically or emotionally then we wouldn’t have the best results. During my life I heard a wise person says once that God our father loves diversity. We see it in all things, the trees, fish, dogs, and the different landmasses on the earth. If we were truly made to only be one kind of people then God would have made it that way. However we as people have males, females, and all different races, and languages. As we meld these things together we bring out our true potential as children of our Heavenly Father.

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